I have yet to find an indestructible toy for Vinnie. The toys at the store that are the most durable and have claims like "guaranteed for life," "Enjoy hours of chewing fun" and "puncture proof" Vinnie has dismantled within about 30 minutes. I think it is safe to say our dog loves to chew...and not just chew but destroy.
He had a very cute little ducky that lasted quite a while. At least, until his grown up teeth came in. Now he looks like this:
Yes, his legs, face and part of a wing are "missing." Poor Ducky.
He has also gone through multiple stuffed squirrels, piggies, lambs and the like. Although he loves destroying fuzzy creatures, it is a pretty short lived game so we switched over to more rubbery, plastic like toys when he was about 6 months old.
Most of the plastic toys lasted longer than the 5.2 seconds it took him to rip the stuffing out of a poor little stuffed squeaky toy...more like 5.2 minutes. However, in my search high and low I found two toys that outlasted them all by about 3 months. The mini Kong and the Greenie's teething bone.
These have been some of his favorite toys for the longest but alas, today was the day to say goodbye as he has chewed them literally to bits and to bring in the new and improved Kong EXTREME "for intense chewers". Unfortunately, I couldn't find a replacement that was exactly like the Greenies bone and well, as you can see the "Blue Bone" lived a short (about 15 minutes) but very much enjoyed life.

It's strange to feel sentimental over things that a dog chews on. I guess I just like the way Vinnie strolls over to his Kong or Greenie bone after a long, hard day for a good gnaw. It's the little things in life that make it sweet.
Goodbye, Kong. Goodby Greenie. You were well loved.

Welcome to the Dog Pound Kong Extreme.
We love you Vinnie, The Destroyer.
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