Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Lately I've been reading headlines about pirates. Pirates! Are you kidding me? Yep. I guess they still exist and have been quite active lately. Here' are a couple articles that caught my attention from the LA times:

Indian Warship Destroys Suspected Pirate Ship Off of Somalia

Pirates Hijiack Another Merchant Ship Off Africa

The stores themselves are not that great, but it was my reaction that caught my attention. It went a little something like this:
  1. Wow - pirates that's pretty cool.
  2. No seriously, there's still pirates? That's awesome.
  3. Man, they're getting a ton of money. How fun would it be to be a pirate?
  4. Seriously, how hard could it be to become a pirate?

And then I realized something. I had a glamorized view of what a pirate actually is. I was imaging being a Disney Pirate. These pirates are probably closer to the Smokers in Waterworld - mean, violent, dirty, angry and not a ton of fun to be around.

It's actually quite sad and I feel bad for the sailors who get attacked. Still, I can't help fight this urge to smile every time I think about pirate attacks. Thanks Disney. How else have you done this to me and I don't even know it?