Have you heard about Redbox? You'll find it outside your local McDonalds and I think it's pretty cool. Basically it's a movie rental vending machine. You pay $1 per day and after 25 days, if you don't return it, you can keep the movie since you just essentially paid for it. Movies can be rented online and returned at any Redbox. In an era where Blockbuster, Hollywood and Netflix are competing like mad, I like the business model concept of Redbox for it's simplicity and fairness.
Unlike other options where I'm paying for a set amount of time, Redbox only charges me for when I'm actually using it. To me, this is a fair system which doesn't require any gambling or hedging of bets on either party's side. How often have you kept a movie from Blockbuster an extra day or two because, hey, you did pay to keep it a week? I also like that fact that it's on the way to grabbing a bite to eat and I don't have to wait in line. I've also heard it's great for travel - a friend of mine rented a movie for a trip he took. When he landed, he returned it to a Redbox at his destination and was done - now that's convenient!
I do hear one complaint that you actually have to get out of your car to use the machine, but honestly, where else can you instantly rent a movie without getting out of your car? I realize Netflix is convenient, but only as long as you're willing to wait for it to be delivered and potentially wait even longer because of your long cue. I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see more of these kiosks pop up. Keep the competition coming I say.